Saturday 12 May 2012

life update

converses, forest floor and holga

I haven't updated this blog in a month, I'm absolutely horrified!
It's come to that time of year where school becomes all-consuming and I definitely feel like I've been consumed.
I finish my A Level Photography class next week which I'm probably 99% really sad about, but I'm doing both AS and A2 together so I'm overwhelmed with workbooks and things that need to be sorted out, added stress which won't be missed I can assure you. However, I am (all being well) going to be studying Photography at Falmouth next year which is really exciting! Sucks that I'll be over 6 hours away from home, but I absolutely love the Uni and the course so I'm sure I'll survive.
I should be updating more consistently when I eventually finish school/exams which will probably be late June which seems ages away but I'm sure it will come around ever so quickly which is slightly frightening considering I don't feel prepared for my exams whatsoever. 
I'm also thinking about dip dyeing my hair. But this always happens every few months when I get stressed and then I always end up chickening out so I don't know.
Any thoughts?

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